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Finding a route to peace in Mali: IMRAP and Interpeace organize second National Conference

29 avril, 2016
Est. Reading: 2 minutes
Photo credit: IMRAP

In 2015, the Institut Malien de Recherche Action Pour la Paix (IMRAP) organized a national conference in partnership with Interpeace, to discuss the obstacles facing peace in Mali. Following on from this a second National Conference will take place on 03-05 May, focussing on the solutions to peace in the country.

Through the extensive self-diagnosis project entitled "Self-Portrait of Mali on Obstacles to Peace," which saw thousands of Malians consulted, four priorities to peace were identified. Following this major event, IMRAP, guided by two Malian piloting committees, travelled across the whole country for a year, visiting refugee camps in Mauritania and Niger as well, in a bid to accompany the Malian population in the elaboration of solutions to two of the identified Priorities to peace: (i) the evolution of societal values and (ii) chronic insecurity, particularly with regards to the crisis of trust between security and defence forces and Malian society.

IMRAP’s dialogue and research process over the last year has been based on a three-step methodology, namely: (i) local consultations through more than 70 focus groups and approximately 40 individual interviews; (ii) regional gatherings that aimed to validate and deepen the preliminary analysis emerging from grassroots consultations; (iii) the presentation and validation of results at the National Conference. The second National Conference, which is expected to bring together representatives from all walks of Malian society including the country’s 8 regions, as well as those from refugee camps in Mauritania and Niger, will aim to:

  1. Present, elaborate and validate the Malian point of view on the main solutions to the Priorities to peace;
  2. Propose a space for national dialogue and reflection on the main solutions to sustainable peace; and
  3. Elaborate and discuss the implementation strategy for the solutions to peace.

IMRAP, the Institut Malien de Recherche Action pour la Paix, is a Malian association legally created under license N°0590/G-DB on 21 May 2014 by Malians committed to reflecting on peacebuilding. The Institute is comprised of two governing bodies: the Board of Governors and the Executive. The latter oversees the implementation of the programme entitled “Agenda pour la paix, la réconciliation et la cohésion sociale au Mali” across the whole country.

Interpeace is an independent, international peacebuilding organization. Interpeace was initially established in 1994 by the United Nations to develop innovative solutions to build peace. We have a proven and recognized approach to enable people to build lasting peace.  As a strategic partner of the United Nations, Interpeace is headquartered in Geneva (Switzerland) and has offices in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), Brussels (Belgium), Guatemala City (Guatemala), Nairobi (Kenya), New York (USA) and Stockholm (Sweden).  Interpeace supports locally-led peacebuilding initiatives in over 21 countries across Central America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.  Interpeace established its Regional Office for West Africa in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire in 2013, with the aim of strengthening local peacebuilding processes in Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia and Mali.


Mr. Oumar SAKO, Head of the IMRAP’s board of Directors
Mrs. Nènè KONATÉ, Executive Director of IMRAP
Mrs. Anne MOLTES, Executive Director a.i. of Interpeace West Africa Office


Mrs. Floriane PRÉVERT, Programme Officer, Interpeace
Interpeace West Africa Office
06 BP 2100, Deux Plateaux, Cocody, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
T : +225 22 42 33 41 ;
E : wao@interpeace.org; interpeace.org.